Robin McCoy lives in Coppell and started Get You In Shape in 2015 (9 years ago)
How did you hear about Get You In Shape and what made you join?
I saw an ad on Facebook. I had been doing the “gym thing” on and off for years. Mostly just on a treadmill or elliptical and there was nothing happening. I saw the ad and felt like I needed something different.
What was your original “So That”? Did you achieve it?
Like everyone else it was to lose weight. I achieved it on and off over the years.

What benefits or results have you experienced since joining?
I am stronger both physically and mentally. When I fall off my routine of consistently showing up I feel it emotionally.
Do you have a new So That to keep you motivated?
Yes! It is no long to just lose weight and be thin. It is about being healthy and strong so that I can be mobile and walk unassisted when I am in my 80s. I want to age stronger.
Share a favorite memory of your time with Get You In Shape.
I met my BFFL! Becky and I started on the same day and we have been besties ever since. Even though she doesn’t come to GYIS any more, we still walk together a couple of times a week and she is truly a life long friend. We share the same birthday as well.
What is your favorite exercise or equipment?
Favorite? I probably don’t have a favorite…I have some least favorites. I like the routines where there isn’t a lot of repeating…it seems to go after for me.
What is your least favorite exercise?
I really dislike the Equalizer. I am not strong enough to perform the exercises so I feel like I am failing. So instead I do an alternative that is more of a win for me.
Do your prefer summer or winter?
I prefer Spring and Fall. Too hot and too cold are both hard. However if forced to choose I would rather be out there in the summer vs. winter.
What is your favorite class time?
5:30am If I don’t go then I simply won’t do it. I have learned this about myself.
Who was the toughest “meanest” trainer (past or present)
Well there have been a couple of trainers that I would call “challenging”. Lotta was always coming up with interesting exercises that my body didn’t want to do. Chaney would work your core like no other! And then Billy…”You are in an Exercise Environment!”
Why do you choose to continue to be a part of Get You In Shape after all this time?
It is the only thing that I have ever been able to commit to. There is no judgement on age, size, or ability. Everyone meets you where you are and is always so encouraging. It is a strong community and you are missed when you don’t show up.