Please Read The Details Below 

BASICS – Complete the homework link below and watch the Watch the recorded Nutrition Reboot Webinar Below.  

Complete the Homework –  To help us better serve you before starting our Nutrition Reboot. CLICK HERE and fill out the webform prior to the Kick Off Meeting. This is also an important exercise for you MENTALLY before getting started. 

Watch the Recored Webinar Below and hold yourself accountable by letting me know you watched it. Either text me back or email me  

Watch The Video Below. It goes over the Metabolic Lifestyle Kit. The video goes over the amazing products that you will take along with the Reboot Tips.  You do NOT have to purchase the entire kit in order to participate in the group we just want you do watch it so you have an idea of what it is before the seminar.    

Ready to Join the Metabolic Reboot Challenge?
Go to and check what all options are for joining. 

Add Accountability and invite folks. – As we have mentioned, the seminar is FREE and open to anAnyone can join this program so I have set this program up so that it’s FREE and you don’t have to be a Get You In Shape Client to participate. So invite someone by sending them to and they can sign up there.


1. How to get Motivated – We will go through a mindset exercise that will help MOTIVATE to get started. Motivation is key and we will help give you some reasons WHY you need to focus on your health and fitness. 

2. How to Lose weight – We will show you the plan to Lose 5-15 pounds in the next month

3. How to feel better – We will give you tips and resources to help you feel like moving and doing some of the things you don’t have the energy to do now. 

4. How to Reboot Your Metabolism – In the end, we all need to send shock waves to our metabolism but if you have been feeling stuck for a while then you will learn how to reboot your metabolism. 

5. What to eat – You will learn what you should be eating and not eating to help reboot your metabolism.  

6. When to eat – This is key when it comes to rebooting your metabolism. 

7. What do to for fitness – what type of workouts are best for rebooting your metabolism. 

8. What supplements to take – We will go over our recommendations that will help with rebooting your metabolism. 

We will also go over and invite anyone looking to join our Metabolic Reboot Nutrition Group Coaching Program and CHALLENGE.

The Metabolic Reboot Group Challenge is designed to help give you MOTIVATION to get started toward the Metabolic Reboot you need.

Prizes….YES.. If you are one that feeds of motivation to WIN THINGS, then you will love our prizes that we will be giving out to the whoever loses the most % of body weight during the 28 days. 

There are 3 components which will help YOU reboot your metabolism with our Metabolic Nutrition Reboot Group Challenge.



  • Kick Off EVENT – We will have both virtual and in-person (Coppell, TX) Kick Off Events to get your mind right and get your ready to rock the reboot. In-Person events will also get your starting weight. 
  • GROUP SUPPORT – You’ll get motivation, encouragement and inspiration from other like-minded people doing the Group Challenge with you.
  • INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTABILITY – A Personal Accountability Coach Will Be Assigned To YOU. You will get the help and support needed to succeed. 
  • NUTRITION PROGRAM – a Nutrition Plan to Fit Your Needs to Ensure Weight Loss and Provide Support Every Step of the Way.
  • “FOLLOW THE DARN INSTRUCTIONS” With Step By Step Directions. Super Simple 🙂
  • GROUP MEETINGS – You’ll get Group Meetings with a like-minded group of people who all share similar goals as you. 
  • PRIVATE TOOLS PAGE – Hundreds of Healthy Recipes, Mindset Coaching, Fat-Burning Workouts and Nutrition Tips.
  • DAILY CHECKLIST  – This has been proven to be a great tool that will help you stick to the program each week.
  • CALENDAR – This again is one small tool but it’s been proven to be a huge motivation allowing people to just “follow the darn instructions”
  • FINAL MEETING – This will cover the last weight along with “What To So Next” in order to keep getting results and make this your new LIFEstyle. 
  • PRIZE(S) – Based on how many people join, we will be giving away a $225 gift to one out of every 10 people. It will be based on percentage of weight loss. 


Since 1998, I have been passionate about coaching people and helping them look, feel and perform better on a daily basis.

Plain and simple, this program works. Over the years, I have tried and tested a lot of programs out there. We have done the research.

We have taken tools out and added more tools.

We have customized this program so that it works for YOU. The only question is will you work?

How much would you think that a program like this would normally cost?

First off, there is no charge to come to the kick off seminar and get valuable information that will help you look, feel and perform better. If you do decide after hearing about the program to get started, understand that we will have a few options for you to choose from.

There are so many tools and benefits you get as an added bonus of being a part of this program. Probably the best benefit of this program is that the only cost of the program is for the Nutritional Products that you will be taking to help with your results. One of the options is only $54 which makes this program a STEAL for everything you will get.

When does the Group Reboot Challenge Start?
Day #1 is July 18th or when ever you get your products in.

Again – email us and and let us know which Seminar You Plan on Attending or if you need the virtual option.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Coach Brad

Real People... Real Results!

We have a wonderful community – a real “fitness family” that supports, motivates and encourages one another. And that kind of caring accountability is priceless. Many say it’s the difference-maker.

Here’s what some of them have to say about us. (These comments are from real people. You’ll probably meet these folks at some point virtually through our online community.)

I’ve lost around 20 lbs and 23 inches overall. I fit in all my old clothes and am buying smaller sizes than I have in years. I’m actually back in regular sizes at the store. No more plus sizes!!

I have never been a person who would say they enjoy working out. I’ve tried health clubs, personal trainers, and specialty fitness places but never stuck with a workout program. But I’m totally “Sold” on Get You In Shape. I look forward to working out and can’t believe the results in my appearance and level of fitness. The trainers are awesome and they really care about your journey to fitness.Carol Jackson, TX

Carol Jackson, TX

Joining Get You In Shape is one of the BEST decisions I’ve made in my life. I was going on 3 years of less than 5 hours of sleep each night, no motivation to move and had lost hope. 

I’ve lost 90 lbs. I have dropped from a 2X to a size 6/8 or a medium.
I can bend over easily now without effort, but before just tying my shoe was a challenge. I can sit with my legs crossed now and be comfortable. That is a big change as well as going up two flights of stairs at work without hyperventilating! I actually seek out opportunities to take the stairs now.
I am stronger and more energetic! Wearing clothes is so much more fun! It’s been a bit like Christmas discovering clothes I have held onto but haven’t been able to wear in years.

Rhonda Shaw, Red Oak, TX

I was scared to get started because I literally had not done anything in 3-4 years. I was paying my fitness center monthly for 3-4 years but did not feel like leaving the house. 

I met with Get You In Shape for the first time felt right at home. The trainer was able to walk me through everything and the other members helped encourage me which was very inspiring and welcoming. 

This program has changed my life. I have lost over 30 lbs and feel good in my clothes again. More importantly, I am healthy and just feel alive again. 

Cathy P, Texas

At age 60 this program is the best thing that has happened to me.  I joined to be healthier and to be able to dance with with my granddaughter at her wedding and she was only 4 years old.

I’ve lost over 50 lbs., met some amazing people, gotten healthy again and feel better than I have in years!

Billy Faught,  TX

Are You The Next To Add To Our Over 780+ Happy Client Success Stories?

Complete the Homework –  To help us better serve you before starting our Nutrition Reboot. CLICK HERE and fill out the webform prior to the Kick Off Meeting. This is also an important exercise for you MENTALLY before getting started. 

When Are the Seminars?
The Virtual Option is below as it’s a recent virtual webinar. 
In-Person in Coppell
Are NEXT In-Person Seminar is in August but after watching the  

Can’t make the 2 offered days/times or are not in Coppell, TX? 
Reply and let me know you and we will send you alternate details. 

RSVP – email brad @ Get you in shape .com or text your full name to 214-603-8287 let us know which date/time you plan on attending or if you can’t make it and need the virtual option.

You are Right Here for a Reason!

PS - Can't wait to see you soon. I know you are going to love it!