Get You In Shape Tip and info Feb week #1

Monday Motivation – Hope you have prepared for a great week and have started your Monday off with an expectant heart. We are starting Cardio Club back this month/tomorrow! (5:30am and 6:30am Tuesday’s and Thursday’s). Anyone can sign up and join anytime now that we have enough people to start it up. The sign up […]

Get You In Shape Tip and info Feb week #1

Monday Motivation – Hope you have prepared for a great week and have started your Monday off with an expectant heart.

We are starting Cardio Club back this month/tomorrow! (5:30am and 6:30am Tuesday’s and Thursday’s). Anyone can sign up and join anytime now that we have enough people to start it up. The sign up form is in the events section below. We do have a punch pass and month to month option also.

This week – We have two meetings for anyone looking for more coaching and accountability. We have the GYIS Nutrition 101 Tuesday evening (link below about it) and a 24 Day Challenge mixer (link to sign up is below) on Thursday. We are just giving more chances for some of you that need extra help and extra coaching so we hope some of you can take advantage of it. We do ask that you RSVP so we can plan accordingly.

Valentine’s “Share the LOVE” week – Join us next week for our Valentine’s “Share the LOVE” week that will take place all next week.  We are planning a fun week of both tough and fun workouts but also incorporating some fun partner stuff. So invite folks to join you. The link in the events section has more details about it.

Staying plugged in? Have questions? Make sure you are taking advantage of our private group on facebook. This was designed to help you stay motivated, encouraged, and accountable.

As always, please reach out to us and let us know how we can help you.
To your 2014 Success,

Brad Linder
The Get You In Shape Team

TRAINER TIP – Mental Checklist for running

Click Here for a great tip from GYIS Trainer Chaney Respondek about going through a mental checklist when running.

Have you turned in your 2014 Goals? – We have received a few goals from some clients but the majority of clients have not sent us your updated health and fitness goals. Please check out the tip here that explains it in detail so you can come up with some good health and fitness goals. Then email us once you have come up with them.

Prizes for helping us with a review. Here is the email we sent a little over a week ago that explains everything. We have 5 more days and will pick the names out this Friday. Thank you to all who have already helped us with this.  If you have not been able to help us, below are the links to give us a star and give us a quick review. Remember, you can just copy and paste your review to be able to do a quick star and review. Thanks again for helping us with this.

1. Facebook – click Here– Scroll down until you see review on the right. Put a star on it first by scrolling over the star and then type in your comment/review.
2. Google
Click Here to review us on the google listing. Click write a review.
3. Yahoo
Click Here  to review yahoo. You would just hit the blue WRITE A REVIEW link to.

Dates coming up

4th February – Cardio Club 5:30am and 6:30am Click here to get the sign up form and bring.

4th Feb.
Next GYIS Nutrition 101 @7:30pm at the Linder’s. RSVP if you plan on making it.

6th February – Next 24 Day Challenge Mixer – Details here.

10th-15th February- “Share the LOVE” Valentine’s week – Click Here

15th and 22nd – Saturday sessions @ 7am and 8am

1st April – Monthly GYIS 5k @ 8am

17th – Mark your calendar’s for our 5th Annual Pushups for Charity benefiting the Boot Campaign.

  February Accountability Calendar here

Could these four things be making you gain weight unbeknownst to you?


It’s not just what you eat that will pack on the pounds, but how and when you eat.


If you’re trying to maintain your weight or lose a few pounds, here are four things to stop doing immediately that will make it much easier on you.


 1) Don’t eat late at night.  When you do, because you’re digestive system slows when you’re asleep, the food you eat will stay with you longer.  Plus you might find it more difficult to get to sleep.  Eat your last meal at least three hours before you go to bed.  If you must eat something, make it a lean protein.


2) Don’t eat while doing other things.  Eating in front of the television or while you’re working, reading or even cooking can make you lose track of how much you’re consuming.

3) Don’t skip breakfast (or lunch and dinner.)  Breakfast gets your metabolism going and gives you the energy you need to start the day.  Eat something even if you’re not hungry.  Plus if you skip breakfast, you’ll most likely eat more for lunch.  And if you skip lunch, you’ll most like eat more for dinner.  And if you skip dinner, you’ll be tempted to snack before bedtime, which we just said you should never do. If time is your excuse, we recommend these meal replacement shakes have they have been proven to be an awesome “meal replacement” to help our clients get the nutrition they need to start the day.


 4) Don’t eat too quickly.  Take it slow.  Chew every bite.  This makes it easier for your body to digest your food.  Plus because it takes the body about twenty minutes to feel full, if you eat too fast you could be prone to overeating.


Billie Bedsole      2/1                 Tanis Knelson                  2/9
Jane Smith          2/9               Catherine Walhood           2/11
Todd Wilcox        2/12              Russell Cowdrey              2/20
Leigh Walker      2/20             Leigh Roach                      2/26

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Motivational Speaker Jim Rohn.


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