Coppell Boot Camp Workouts – Week #3

Coppell Boot Camp Workouts - Week #3

Coppell Boot Camp Workouts – Week #3

Remember to always warm up and cool down. You can also add some core work in the off-day cardio to get more time in.

Monday – Boot Camp

Tuesday – 5-8 min warm up
5 – 8 min core work from GYIS Program core page – 1 min each of Pillar Bridges. side pillar, heel taps, slow and Fast bicycles
Interval Training
click to read what interval training is.
Find a length of about 20 seconds to jog or sprint to. When you are done, walk back to the start and when you get there sprint (or go at your fast pace) for 20 seconds or the length again.
If you have a stop watch it will help motivate you to keep going at that pace as the set get harder.

Repeat circuit for 30 min
You can also look back at other weeks cardio clicking here
5-8 min cool down or static Stretching

Wednesday -Boot Camp

Thursday 5-8 min warm up
5-8 core work. 1 Min each of  – Plank, Side Pillar Bridges (30 sec each side), SuperMan, Slow Mountain Climbers (click Here for example)
3 min in Slow zone (at least a fast walk) and 2 minutes in your medium zone. Try going for 30-45 min

Cool Down Stretch

Friday– Boot Camp

Saturday –
Boot Camp 7am or 8am

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