Coppell Personal Trainer – A Tribute to personal Trainer Julie

Coppell Trainer – A Tribute Video For Get You In Shape Trainer Julie McCan. Julie McCan is sadly moving to McKinney so will be leaving the Get You In Shape Team. She leaves after having started as a client in September of 20018 and being a personal trainer since October of 2008. Get You In […]

Coppell Personal Trainer – A Tribute to personal Trainer Julie

Coppell Trainer – A Tribute Video For Get You In Shape Trainer Julie McCan.

Julie McCan is sadly moving to McKinney so will be leaving the Get You In Shape Team. She leaves after having started as a client in September of 20018 and being a personal trainer since October of 2008. Get You In Shape just celebrated out 10th year since starting the Coppell group personal training program in 2008. Julie has been with us through the journey all but 10 or 11 months here in Coppell. I remember when Julie came to the Strategy Session with me and sharing what she was looking to achieve in her health and fitness.  She was looking for something different after recently retiring from the corporate world. She had been on a roller coaster her entire career gaining and losing the same 25 pounds. She wanted to put her health a priority, be consistent in an exercise routine and was looking for some variety in her workouts so that she would enjoy working out. She soon (in just a few weeks of our program) learned that Get You In Shape was the perfect fit for her. In my situation, I started the Coppell Get You In Shape group personal training program in October of 2007. By the time Julie joined our fitness program program as a client we had grown from just one class of 5 participants to multiple session times per day and over 80 training clients in a little over 8 months. With the growth, I was praying for a great personal to join my wife and I as a trainer so we can better serve our clients and community. I put an email out letting everyone know I was looking for a trainer and thank God that Julie answered the call. She was only a client a few weeks when I sent that email. It was meant to be that our lives crossed paths because she answered the call. She mentioned to me that she was looking for something she could do in retirement that would be rewarding to her along with keeping her motivated and accountable to her own wellness goals. She did not have any experience in personal training but had all the qualities needed to lead and help make a difference in the lives of others. She shadowed me first three months as she was working to be a Certified Personal Trainer. I think this is a great point to make here.  You don’t get good at something over night. I like to use Darren Hardy’s quote all the time and I think it relates to this. “Small, Smart Choices + Consistency + Time = RADICAL DIFFERENCE” She had no experience as a personal trainer so shadowed me for 3 months while she studied to get her Certification. Instead of learning on her own how to lead a group, how to conduct a personal training session, how to interact with clients, etc, she decided she would learn from someone with years of experience willing to help her become the best trainer she could be. It’s a lot like when a client comes to us wanting to lose 30 pounds and are not willing to follow the proven step-by-step system that has been produced over 500 Video Testimonies (that’s just folks that shared a video of their results). They try to do it on their own making the process much harder and not getting the results they desire. Why reinvent the wheel and try doing it on your own when you can just “Follow The Darn Instructions” from a proven program? I know very well from my personal journey that it takes time to learn and grow, I got my Master’s Degree in 1999 and spent the next 8 years of learning, practicing and training. Getting better and improving in all areas that would help me serve and help people become the best version of themselves. After years of work, it wasn’t until 2007 that things exploded in my fitness business and things grew because I had made those small consistent choices day in and day out over a period of time. BELOW IS A SPOTLIGHT VIDEO OF JULIE SHARING HER GYIS JOURNEY

After three months of shadowing, Julie was equipped to lead and be an awesome personal trainer. For 9 years, Julie has been a huge part of why Get You In Shape is what it is today. She used her leadership experience from her previous corporate job to help me as a business owner. She was able to take the lead roll as our Lead Personal Trainer and help develop some of our team. I am forever grateful that she answered the call.With Julie leaving comes some CHANGE. Life is a series of “seasons” so with that comes Change. Some are easier that others. Luckily, we have known about this change for close to a year so it’s been a gradual realization that Julie will be moving. Either ways, it’s CHANGE.Change for me as the business owner.Change for Julie as she moves to her dream home and closer to your grandbaby. Change for the Get You In Shape Team. Change for our clients, many of whom have changed their lifestyle with Julie’s help.Change is inevitable with life.I have come to understand that I have to be grateful for the time Julie was with us. I have to share how Thankful I am for your friendship and for the time she was able to give to be a part of our team. I also have to realize that CHANGE is happening now. Thankfully, we have been blessed with some amazing trainers in which will take over the sessions so we don’t miss a beat as a business helping others look, feel and perform better on a daily basis. I have to realize that after the gratefulness, I need to embrace that change has to take place. How does this relate to you?Have you ever looked in the mirror and new something has to change?Have you ever been asked by your kids “come on..let’s play tag!” and you are not in shape to even run around and play a game of tag?Have you put some clothes on and they were too tight for you to wear? Have you have received bad news from the doctor about your health? These are all signs that a lifestyle CHANGE needs to occur. I believe we all have a desire to be more, do more and become more.

I believe we all have the desire to be the best versions of ourselves.

I believe we all have the desire to be a better spouse and parent. How can we do that? We all know that it’s tough to face the facts that we need to make some changes in our habits. With 2018 upon us…I put together a Free Goal Setting Training on how to make those changes.  CLICK HERE to download it.

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